Today we added a way to visualize ARA-24's memory. While this was a quick addition, it proved to be very helpful when trying to debug our code.
These sections of code print the memory in the same format as the board provided by the program.
So if the board looks like this:
00000 pit 00000
pit here! 00000
00000 wumpus 00000
Our program would print:
For possible_objects:
[] ['p'] []
For the board (once the Wumpus's position is able to be guaranteed):
e e e
e e e
e w e
The board does not show pits because their positions can never be guaranteed.
This allows us to see how our Agent analyzes its surrounding positions. Now that we have access to this information, we can see how ARA-24 makes its decisions, and how it determines which spaces are safe and which ones are not.